It’s that time of year where everyone is starting to set New Year’s Resolutions. I tend to be one of those people that DOES NOT set new fitness goals every January, because I believe goals can be set at any time! I think setting a new goal at 1:30 pm on a Thursday in July is just as good as January 1st.
Regardless of your opinion of New Year’s Resolutions, you probably still hear a lot of people talking about their weight loss goals come January. This is when all the fitness apparel and gym equipment go on sale too! It’s as if marketing companies want us to set lofty weight loss goals every year and that’s just plain exhausting.
I’m writing this post today because I need you to know that there is more to your health than just the number on the scale. That scale is only measuring how much gravity is pushing down on that piece of equipment. It doesn’t measure your happiness, self-worth, or positive self-image.
I know your doctor, and likely some dietitians too, want you to believe that the only way to true health is to lower that number on the scale. While having an appropriate weight is important, the concept of true health is found amongst a balance of multiple factors. Your health is not just your weight and I’m going to prove it to you. Use the questions below as a guide to determine if your health is improving. No scale required.
- Is it growing faster?
- Is it feeling stronger?
- Is it shinier than usual?
- Is less hair falling out?
- Is the texture more smooth?
- Are you having less breakouts?
- More even color?
- Less dry and more hydrated?
- Are your nails growing faster?
- Do they look healthier with less ridges, breaks, or spoon-shaped?
- Can you lift more weight (even just grocery bags)?
- Is it easier to pick up the kids?
- Are other heavy lifting chores around the home and yard getting easier?
- Do you have more coordination and balance?
- Can you go longer or more intensely during cardio exercise?
- Can you take the stairs at work without getting winded?
- Can you clean the house and chase the kids without getting out of breath?
- Can you take your dog for longer walks?
- Do you need less medications or smaller dosage of medications to manage your cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar?
- Do you need less vitamin and mineral supplements because you know how to get them from food?
- Do you feel rested when you wake up in the morning?
- Do you sleep through the night without waking as frequently?
- No longer need a nap in the middle of the day or right after work?
- Are you commiting to going to bed earlier?
- Are you sleeping the recommended 7-9 hours each night?
- Are you sleeping more soundly?
- Are you falling asleep more easily?
- Do you feel more calm in difficult situations with family or friends?
- Less road rage?
- Have less anxiety at work?
- Do you feel more confident in making better decisions with your nutrition?
- Do you feel more confident taking charge at work?
- More confident in setting goals for your personal life?
- Do you no longer have guilt or shame with your food choices?
- Do you no longer use food as a reward, comfort, or punishment?
Inches Lost
- Are you losing inches around your waist?
- Arms?
- Legs?
- Face?
Clothing Size
- Able to fit in smaller clothing sizes?
- More confident in your ability to wear new items?
- More confident “showing some skin”?
- Do you have more energy during the day?
- Do you have more energy in the morning when you wake up?
- Are you drinking less caffeine throughout the day?
- Do you feel energized after a meal instead of sluggish?
Mental Clarity
- Are you experiencing less brain fog?
- Improved attention span?
- Less headaches?
- Improved memory?
- Are you getting outside more?
- Fewer salt cravings?
- Fewer sugar cravings?
- Improved bowel movement frequency?
- Consistency?
- Less bloating?
- Less abdominal pain?
- Less nausea?
- Can you stretch and bend easily when you need to do daily activities?
- Can you get up and down off the floor easier while exercising?
- Are you improving the quality of your relationships, not just the quantity?
- Are you prioritizing time to talk to your friends and loved ones in person or phone/video chat instead of just texting?
- Are your kids or spouse developing new healthy habits as well because of you?
- Have you found a new community of people that support you?
- Do people come to you for healthy lifestyle advice?
- Are you labs improving such as cholesterol?
- Hemoglobin A1c?
- Thyroid?
- Liver enzymes?
- Kidney function?
- Less pain?
- Improved pain management strategies without medication?
- Improved quality of life?
Let me know in the comments if you think of any more! I strongly encourage you to think about these other markers of health that have nothing to do with the scale. I strongly believe you will improve your quality of life and see results faster when you take your focus off the scale.
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