Have you ever asked a child where their food comes from? Depending on their age, I’m sure you’ll get some VERY interesting responses! One answer I have heard before is “the grocery store”. While we may laugh at this as adults, do we really have THAT much more knowledge about where our food comes from?
To give you a little background, I grew up in a farming community with a father who grew corn and soybeans. That being said, this does NOT make me an expert on farming grains or raising livestock. However, it gave me an understanding into the lives of both crop and livestock farmers, and that the industry isn’t always the villain that recent media has portrayed it to be. The more I learn about where my food comes from and how it was raised, the more I want to share this knowledge with other people.
Instead of trying to articulate this knowledge in my own words, I am sharing with you today 4 podcasts you can listen to at home or on the go. These podcasts interview experts in the livestock and agriculture industry and will help answer your questions about grass fed beef, regenerative agriculture, and small vs large scale farming.
We, myself included, tend to have many preconceived notions about the farming industry when we look at it from the outside. I encourage you to listen to these interviews with an open mind, and then adjust your food choices according to your assessment of the research.
The Chalene Show
Episode 290: The Meat Controversy And The Grass Fed Beef Label With Michael Salguero
Michael Salguero is the CEO and founder of Butcher Box, a company that sources the highest quality beef, chicken, pork, and fish and delivers it right to your door. This is a company that I personally use and love! Salguero does a great job of helping you understand the labels you see on meat found in your local grocery stores: grass fed, grass finished, organic, hormone-free, heritage breed, etc. This episode will definitely turn you into a well-informed shopper in the meat department!
Meathead Hippie
Episode 69: With Bobby Gill On Regenerative Agriculture, Ulta-Running, Fall and Fasting
Start at the 20 minute mark to hear the segment about Regenerative Agriculture. Gill works for Savory Institute, “whose mission is to teach farmers and ranchers how to plan the grazing of their animals in a way that mimics their natural, migratory movements.” You’ll also learn the difference between sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman, MD
Miriam Horn On Why Big Farmers Are Not Always The Bad Guys
This is probably my favorite podcast on the list. Here is a podcast you need to listen to if you want to see the big picture. This explains why we need to care about farming in the Corn Belt if we want to save our oceans, and why soil is our most important natural resource. Horn also discusses the pros and cons to organic farming.
A more science-y podcast to dig a little deeper…
Sustainable Dish
Episode 78: Beyond Burger Vs. Real Burgers with Sara Place
This podcast will dive deep into the research around the true impact that the animal and agricultural industry plays in greenhouse gas emissions, America’s health, and if you should be switching to plant-based proteins such as the Beyond Burger. Definitely more science-y than the rest of the podcasts on the list.
Please let me know if you would like to see more posts related to our food industry, sustainability, and regenerative agriculture!
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